Youth Ministry

Here at Emmanuel, we recognize that youth are not simply the “church of tomorrow,” but they are also the “church of today!” Consequently, we encourage the involvement of our youth in the life of the congregation. On Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm, our youth group for 7th – 12th grade students meets for a time of fellowship, games, worship, and Bible study. Youth Sunday School is also offered each week at 9:30am. 

Our youth participate in a number of special events throughout the year including ski trips, lake days, hayrides, and a number of other activities intended to foster Christ-centered relationships between students. Each summer, we have the opportunity to attend either the FLY Convention held at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, CO, or FLY Beyond which is held at the Association Retreat Center (ARC) in Osceola, WI.

FLY Beyond is the national youth equipping conference of the AFLC. It will be held July 14-18, 2024 at the Association Retreat Center (ARC) in Osceola, WI. It is designed to equip young Christ-followers to grow in their understanding of why they believe what they believe, and to live out their faith with confidence.